how to increase an pages or how to chace pages in clinet browser ??? help

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by derinweb, Oct 1, 2006.

  1. hello
    i have a problem i want to increase the performance of my webpages in 2.0 , how can do it
    thanks for any help
  2. We could chat about these methods for days...

    Having a need to cache the actual Access DB may be an indication of the need for an upgrade to a more robust solution, i.e. SQL Server 2005.

    You can however cache any dataset, you can create your own custom cache dependencies and you can create post-cache substitutions.

    There's a wealth of information in the articles posted below.


    Web Data Access Strategy:
  3. thanks very much Mark , your help is very usefull

  4. sorry markbut i use access database and all tutorial is about sql server database , so i have the same problem yet , thanks for any help
  5. and how can cache master page , because i try to cache master page , but does not support masterpage catch
    thanks for your help
  6. sorry mark

    i have this problem yet , thanks realy for your help

  7. hello mark ,

    sorry i have this problem yet

    Server Error in '/kurdpedia' Application.

    Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

    Parser Error Message: Unrecognized configuration section outputCacheSettings.

    Source Error:

    Line 63: 	</system.web>
    Line 64: 
    Line 65:     <outputCacheSettings>
    Line 66:       <outputCacheProfiles>
    Line 67:         <add name="TwoDay" duration="43200" />
    Source File: C:\Documents and Settings\Derin\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\WebSites\kurdpedia\web.config Line: 65

    Version Information:Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.42
  8. Try moving your cache settings inside your system.web section.
    This is typical XML "well formed" ruling.
  9. hello mark ,
    is this syntax true in web.config file?





    <add name="TwoDay" duration="43200" />




  10. Notice this section in the Caching link I provided previously:

    Configuring the ASP.NET Configuration File

    In addition to adding a connection string as discussed in a previous module, you must also configure a <cache> element with a <sqlCacheDependency> element as shown below:
    <add name="Pubs"
    connectionString="Data Source=(local);
    Initial Catalog=pubs;Integrated Security=true;"
    providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
    <sqlCacheDependency enabled = "true" pollTime = "60000" >
    <add name="pubs" connectionStringName = "pubs" pollTime = "9000000" />

    This configuration enables a SQL cache dependency on the pubs database. Note that the pollTime attribute in the <sqlCacheDependency> element defaults to 60000 milliseconds or 1 minute. (This value cannot be less than 500 milliseconds.) In this example, the <add> element adds a new database and overrides the pollTime, setting it to 9000000 milliseconds.
  11. Mark but i have two question :

    1 - i used sql server 2005only for security issue ,so if i use this cachingmaybe it does not have any change in my access database that i used it to the information to be desplay in the website interface?

    2 - how can i use caching in my (master page) , or can i use cache profile in my master page?

    thanks for your help and your answers

  12. I would backup a bit and draw this out on paper.

    1) Is using an Access DB going to work. (Performance)

    2) Skinny down your Master pages.
    Nest what you really need to but don't hit the visitor with a shovel each time.
    I'm guessing you want to dump a ton of controls on the side of your Master pages.
    Caching isn't magic, you still need to consider content.
  13. thanks Mark for your help but yet i doesn't get the solution of my problem you can look at this link and tell meabout it's performance :

    thanks for your help mark
  14. I still do not mind helping you, may seem "short" at times because I've got a ton of things going on right now.

    That page isvery busy.

    Just looking at the resulting collection of eye-candy once the page loads is something along the line of work.

    It loaded quickly but I'm on a 6mb pipe so I can't judge that properly.

    I believe the foremost concern is weight.

    A good page design has in it's building stages a weight check.
    Many of the Web development IDEs can give you the weight of a page, or you can decide that yourself.

    Another consideration is priority.
    Even with the latest and greatest browsers loading of flash and image priority is not certain.
  15. mjp


    The total number of bytes transferred while loading the (index) page is 379.4 KB, that's still a lot. Maybe not for broadband users, but if you have a lot of dialup users, they will have long waits for every page.

    Aside from the page size, I think the switch from Access to SQL that has been suggested is probably going to help you the most. Access wasn't designed to be used as a back end to a web site, let alone a busy or large web site. Your problems with Access will only increase as the size of your database and the number of your visitors increases.


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