How to use domain pointer alias on email

Discussion in 'Email' started by Smithoman, Dec 15, 2009.

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  1. I have a domain pointer in my account, and i wanto to use it in my emails alias, for example [email protected] instead of it i want to use [email protected], how can i do it?

  2. Which domain would be the main domain on the hosting account? We'd need to know because the main domain on the account is the working email address to send from.

    For example, let's say "" is the main domain on the hosting account, and "" is just a domain pointer.

    This means that email sent to "[email protected]" or "[email protected]" will be received in your inbox. You will only be able to send from "[email protected]" however, as this is the main domain on the hosting account.
  3. this is exactely my problem, my main domain is and the pointer, but the emails come with tindev when i need it to be there's any workaround?
  4. You could switch the domain pointer with the main domain on the hosting account, so you have "" as the main domain on the hosting account, and "" as a domain pointer.

    If you want individual mail for each domain, you'll have to either open an individual account for each domain, or just host the email for either domain elsewhere.
  5. how can i do this?
  6. If you want to switch the domains you'll have to contact the billing department ([email protected]) so they can make that switch.
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