HTTP handler for non ASPNET files

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by vvsharma, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. I see that you are using the 'DefaultHttpHandler' type for your '.mht' extension .You will need a wild card mapping rather than just that extension mapping for this to work.Issue a support ticket for this.


  2. Hi, I have some special files (with extension .mht) located under a folder and allow authenicated user only.Have also requestedthis hosting site to map the extension in IIS for ASP.NET ISAPI extensiondll. have added the following to webconfig too.

    - <location path="UploadDec08" allowOverride="false">

    - <system.web>

    - <authorization>

    <deny users="?" />

    <allow roles="User,Manager,Administrator" />


    << add verb="*" path="*.mht" type="System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler" validate="true" />

    However, after login, users click to access the mht files,IE displays "The page cannot be displayed" error. However, in my testing environment everything works smoothly, displayed accordingly. Appreciate any advice on this. thanks.


  3. Hi, have resolved this issue by adding custom own handler.Thanks.

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