http handler for SEO

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by mtundu, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. I'm trying to implement an ISAPI filter or http handler dll on the website. Can I do this on the Discountasp server? Tech support says no. I've got a very simpleC#class that I've command-line compiled locally and tried to put into my bin directory on the Discountasp server that will take care of the parameter string in the URL. Doesn't recognize it. If I can't use a compiled .NET namespace/class then how else can one use .NET in these servers? As you can see I'm new to .NET so my terminology is probably off. There's got to be a way. Got any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
  2. 1. Are you on a Windows 2003 / IIS 6 box?
    2. What does your web.config look like for http handlers?
  3. Hi, I use only compiled .net dll on DASP without problem [​IMG]
    Alexei Cioina.
  4. Hi,
    I can not possibly answer a wide array of topics related to this but would suggest you work within what exists.
    If you migrate to an IIS7 account here you will have access to the IIS7 Manager.

    A new feature for IIS7 accounts here is the Global Assembly Cache viewer module.
    You can see how that works here:

  5. Mark/Aristotle,
    I'm on a Win 2003/IIS6 box. Here's the exerpt from the web.config:
    <add verb="*" path="ref/ref*.aspx" type="UrlHandlerNameSpace.SiteUrlHandler"/>

    You're using compiled dlls on your website? I was explicitly told that they would not allow that by tech support. They told me,
    "Registering any components/assembly directly on the server whether it is .Net or not imposes a security, standardization, and stability risk." How are you doing this? Please confirm, you're not using dynamically compiled code, but rather you have actuall dlls on the webserver that handle certain functions. Are they located in your bin directory?

    Supposing there is not dll support, would anyone suggest using the App_Code directory approach? I've got the code that takes care of the httphandler in it's own namespace. Does it actually need to be compiled or can it exist in the App_Code directory or a code-behind page?

    Thanks for all the help!
  6. Using compiled, fully managed .NET assembliesin your application is allowed since it does not require installation or registration. Upload the handler DLL into the bin directory.
  7. Mark,

    You rock. That's one of the sites I was initially looking at, however, I somehow read that the .cs file should be compiled. Don't know where I got that from. Once I went back and checked it out (on your recommendation) I saw that I can just put the .cs code into the "App_Code" directory. That did the trick.


    Thanks for the info. I'll try doing that again on something similar. Could be that I just had some code wrong and it wasn't registering where to look.

    When I'm rich and famous I'll send you guys a postcard!


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