i Can Park multiple domains in an account???

Discussion in 'Pre-sales questions' started by shinji14, Jul 6, 2009.

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  1. i had a hosting where i can mark 2 domains name, i can the same here?
  2. We have domain pointer addons. What this will do is allow another domain name to point to your root directory of your account. Log into your Discountasp hositng control panel and order the domain pointer under the 'Domain Pointer' link.
  3. that means that i could have a xxx.com domain pointing to a "dotnetnuke application" and a yyy.com domain pointing to an "aspnet starter kit"???
  4. Yes, but if you are planning to point additional domain name to different subfolders and/or web pages, you will need to do so using a redirect script. As I mentioned before the domain pointer will resolve to the same web site as your main account which is at the root.

    Try referring to this kb article for some guidelines in setting up a redirect script.


    This kb article was specifically created for a subdomain, but it should also work for full domain names.
  5. Yes, but that is in the case somebody type only xxx.com, but what would happen if somebody type xxx.com/test.aspx

    that script is not going to redirectbecause is not entering by the default document???
  6. ..That part is no problem, with whichever code language you use just create a "case".
    If your code finds each default "case" did not match have a result that takes place.
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