IIS Manager: Not accepting remote connections

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by rdlecler, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. I was using the IIS manager program yesterday, but when I tried to access it today I get a pop-up error box which says: "Cound not connect to the specified computer. Detail: The server is no accepting remote connections".

    Is anyone else able to access their site through the IIS Manager application?

    I have specified "connect to site", I am using my "alternative URL" for the server name, and XXXX.com for the site name. I activated the IIS manager through the "IIS Tools" panel on the discountasp.net site, and the username and password I am using with the IIS Manager application, is the one I use to log into discountasp. And yes, I killed, and tried to create the site connection again.

  2. Hi,
    I just tried the IIS7test server and everything worked as expected.
    Really can't think of anything for you to try other than contacting Support.
  3. Thanks. It's still not working from my end... Murphy must have been a programmer when he came up with his famous saying.....
  4. Yup, Murphy was an Optimist. ;-)
  5. Joseph Jun

    Joseph Jun DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I wasn't sure which data center your account was hosted at both the North American and European data centers appear to be accepting IIS 7 Manager connections.

    It's odd that you were able to connect without any problems previously.

    The IIS Manager requires connectivity on port 8172 and a simple way to see if the port's being filtered is via a telnet session. Just pop open a command prompt window and try:

    telnet YourAlternativeURL 8172

    If you get the "could not open connect to the host" error you may want to just do a quick check to see if there is any anti-virus settings or firewall setting to see if there's anything prohibiting a connection.

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