I'm getting a 404 on an ImageHandler defined in my web.config

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by hikirsch, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. Hi Everyone -

    I don't know much about this problem or how to explain it. I have an Image handler class that is defined in a different project than my web project (it's getting compiled in my DLL). I then define the Image Handler in my web.config by using the following line:

    <add verb='*' path='/ImageResizer.ashx' type='Kirsch.UI.Common.Handlers.ImageResizer' />

    When I hit /ImageResizer.ashx i get a 404. This is completely wrong and I don't know what to do.

    When I developed it on my XP box, everything works fine. This is a .NET 3.5 site and I'm hosting it on discountasp.net's Windows 2008 server.

    Can anyone help me out? Let me know if anyone needs any more info.


  2. Have you tried running ASP.NET in Classic mode? It can be changed in the IIS Tools of your DiscountASP control panel.



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