Hi Everyone - I don't know much about this problem or how to explain it. I have an Image handler class that is defined in a different project than my web project (it's getting compiled in my DLL). I then define the Image Handler in my web.config by using the following line: <add verb='*' path='/ImageResizer.ashx' type='Kirsch.UI.Common.Handlers.ImageResizer' /> When I hit /ImageResizer.ashx i get a 404. This is completely wrong and I don't know what to do. When I developed it on my XP box, everything works fine. This is a .NET 3.5 site and I'm hosting it on discountasp.net's Windows 2008 server. Can anyone help me out? Let me know if anyone needs any more info. Thanks. --Adam
Have you tried running ASP.NET in Classic mode? It can be changed in the IIS Tools of your DiscountASP control panel. Aristotle DiscountASP.NET www.DiscountASP.NET