I'm Not Getting Enough Spam

Discussion in 'Email' started by scot, Jun 9, 2009.

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  1. I know this sounds absurd that I would complain that I'm not getting enough spam, but I'm confused about the spam filtering.

    Before moving my account to DASP I was getting about 60-70 spams per day. After moving my account to DASP I was still getting about 60-70 spams per day, but about half were labeled "SPAM-LOW/MED/HIGH" in the subject line as per the default spam settings. I was concerned by the filtering accuracy since many legitimate emails were also being labeled as spam.

    After a week of monitoring the spam filtering accuracy I changed the default settings for my domain to filter the "SPAM-HIGH" messages to the "junk-folder". Now a full week later since changing the default spam settings there are only 4 messages in the junk folder, and no messages have been labeled "SPAM-MED/LOW", and I have received only 1 or 2 messages per day the are actually spam but were not filtered in any way.

    While I'm happy not to be getting any spam, I find it highly unlikely that my spam has suddenly gone from 60+ last week to only 4 per week now. I'm also concerned that valid email is not getting through.

    What am I missing here???
  2. This is hard to say without actually seeing what settings you inputted on your POP account. There are two rules you can set. There are content filtering and spam filtering. Not to mention Greylisting. I suggest that you check your settings carefully. Also note that you have white listing features. So if you know there are certain domain names that regularly send email to you, may want to to add them to your white list. You can also input IP addresses as well as domain name so that the spam filter do not mark them as spam.
  3. The only change I made from the default domain settings was to filter SPAM-HIGH to the Junk-Folder. That is it. No other changes.

    So my question is why would all the spam I was getting before suddenly stop after that single change to my default spam settings. I would have at least expected much more spam in my junk-folder.

    Thanks, Scott.
  4. Like I said its really difficult to say. But I believe your growing concern is that you maybe missing some legitimate emails. If thats the case then putting them on your whitelist should make sure they bypass the spam filter.
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