Image mapping with MVC

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by nationalopi, May 16, 2010.

  1. In my MVC application I am using extension methods to resolve a path to my images and photos. The ContentRoot resolves the root folder for all content (css, scripts, images, photos, etc).

     public static string ContentRoot
                string contentVirtualRoot = "~/Content";
                return VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(contentVirtualRoot);
    and the PhotoRoot resolves the folder for all photos

     public static string PhotoRoot
            get { return string.Format("{0}/{1}", ContentRoot, "Photos"); }
    This works locally, but after upload to DiscountASP.Net, the path to the photo is resolved by appending the photo path to the url path for the aspx page that is rendered (ex "").

    I need to get rid of the members part of the url.

    Any help is appreciated


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