Is Chat support available?

Discussion in 'Pre-sales questions' started by WHOISBigDaddy, Jan 1, 2011.

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  1. I find chat support to be a good venue that bridges the gap between real-time phone support and delayed-reaction email support.

    I looked, but couldn't see it it's a support option.
  2. mjp


    Our support is strictly via email. We have a quick turn around time, and email is the most efficient way to provide support.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Still no chat?

    Checking to see if chat may have been added since this thread was originally posted...
  4. Unfortunately still no chat. As mentioned before, the only method of support request is by ticketing (email) system. Feel free to open one if you run into any issue with your hosting account
  5. I support the idea of adding a chat. I think something like Skype consultations would be great for that.
  6. In the past I created Shoutbox controls for both classic ASP and ASP.NET on servers here.
    They're just as fast as Chat, maybe even better in some respects.
    If you can can't create one you can find many on line that will work here.
  7. mjp


    It isn't a question of technically being able to provide chat. We can do that right now through our helpdesk. But we do not open it up to incoming chats because doing so would be contrary to our current philosophy on support.

    Will that philosophy change? It certainly could. But I wouldn't think it will any time soon.
  8. That would be much better in chat could be available. [​IMG]
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