javascript - HTTP Post to an XML file

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by newcents, Jan 12, 2008.

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  1. I've spent a week on this javascript code. It works locally. I can't get it to work on servers. I sent a message to the admin and this was his response:

    'I checked the HTTP log and see that your application is trying to make a HTTP Post to an XML file which is not supported.'

    Here is the code (have fun :) I sure did ):

    Anyone know any work arounds?

  2. When we can so easily write to XML files in the .NET Framework why do this?
    I'd side with anyone who considers this a client side hack.
    Do any of us want that hole in our servers? Hope not. [​IMG]
  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Are you running IIS on your computer or are you running the ASP.NET development web server?

    As Mark was saying, it is really insecure to allow post to an XML file because that will allow anyone to over write your file.


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