1)the project is almost done, and i don't want to start all over 2)am a programer trying to do some web projects , so my knowleg isn't that great. can u please help me solve my problem? thanks Post Edited (serhan) : 2/1/2007 1:41:37 PM GMT
I looked at your current project and without knowing anything else about it might suggest an ASP.NET aspanel running in a styled div area, or better yet the Ajax ControlToolKit UpdatePanel, then the new image gallery features in ASP.NET 3's WPF can do some amazing things with images. Did you use Iframes because you had been using them or because you incorporated existing code that used them?
i didn't know where to put it so if it's in the wrong place can a mode please move it. thanks am making a project, am using iframes, the problem is that the iframe contents sometimes move(when a use clickes), is there a way to keep the contents at the same place? expamle: goto http://mypicancom0.web142.discountasp.net/main/users.aspx?imgid=813and click on the car. can anybody help , point me to a site, artical anything? thanks in advance
I've used Iframes for ASP a lot, was very useful, but in asp.net the only reason I can see to use them would be for loading classic content, from my perspective anyway. Why not use Ajax or WebParts for this instead of Iframes?