Letting users setup their own outgoing email settings

Discussion in 'Email' started by wisemx, Jun 22, 2008.

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  1. If you're going to spray 10,000 you will need an outside mailing service.
    Google for them, they don't cost much and the list is growing quick.
  2. I understand that there are outside 3rd-party providers who will do this for a charge. Butif the client wants to use their own outbound email server but from within my app, is there no such way?
  3. Ask for tips on this at http://www.dotnetkicks.com/spy
    (In the Shoutbox.)

    You should get some hits.

    Note: Requires an account to post but that only takes a second and they don't spam ya.
  4. I have clients thathave their ownemail addresses, not associated with my domain. When one of them (my application's user/client) wants to send out an email blast to say 10,000 people, how I do setup my app so they don't use my domain or localhost as the outbound server? I guess I'm afraid of getting blacklisted if they use my domain or localhost and send out spam.

    Because they store their contacts within my app, I'd much rather they use my app to send that email out but the email should be sent using their outbound server's settings and not mine (or DiscountASP.Net's)

    Is that even possible? If so, how do I approach this?


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