Livestats - average visits historically

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by mcline, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. What data is represented by "average visits historically"?

    I have looked at our history via livestats for, and see that average visits historically, on a monthly basis, increases steadily for Jan - March 08. In April 08, despite the face that our # visits each month continues to increase, average visits historically dropped to 15,117, and has remained unchanged since that point.

    How is this calculated? And why would this number drop when visits continue to climb?

    Based on looking at stats for April 08 I am guessing that the average visits historically is the sum of the average visits historically for each day. Does the average visits historically for April 1 2008, for example, represent the average visits for April 1, 2006 and April 1, 2007 and April 1 2008? If not, how is this calculated?

    Why would the average visits historically for April, May, and June be the same # for each month??

    Mary Kate Cline

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