Login control issue when run on the beta site (newbie)

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by easyrealtya, Apr 30, 2005.

  1. My login object works fine when I run the site in the Visual Web 2005 tool on my PC.
    I default to default.aspx where I have a Login Status control.
    You obviously go to the login.aspx when you click it.
    I put in the userid and password and I am redirected back tot he default.aspx and the login status shows as logout and the Login name control ther shows my userid.
    I even put the CreateUser Wizard on the page and set the canceldestinationpage and continuedestinationpage to my defaut.aspx page asd that works 100% as well.

    However if I ftp the site to the beta server and run the login I get redirected to my error page. The aspnetdb.mdf is in the app_data folder. It was copied to that app_data folder on the beta site just as all the other apsx config and aspx.vb files where when I ran the copy database function
    .My web config is as follows:

    <configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0">

    <system.web><authentication mode="Forms" />

    <customErrors defaultRedirect="~/error.aspx" />



    It is eveident that when run on the beta site my login object is having an issue connecting to the aspnetdb in the app_data folder to validate the user.

    Any suggestions from anyone? Am I missing something I neeed to run this on the beta server that still allows it to run on my local server?
  2. Danny, Can you give an example of code for the web.config that will allow me to look to the msql200 server for the aspnetdb.mdf?
  3. On your PC,the login status controlused the local SQL expressas your defaultmembership provider, which the beta server do not support. (There is currently no go live license for SQL 2005 beta, and SQL Express is not designed to be used in a server environment).

    If you currently have a MSSQL 2000 database,you should be able toadd a new membership provider in your web.config toreference your SQL 2000 database.
  4. Thank you very much

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