Login/logout issues with our web application

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by snowdog11, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. Hello,

    I am having a major issue with my company's web application. To access the web application (written in ASP.NET/C# using a SQL Server 2005 database), you log in at the main page. Once you log in, you can go to the administrative pages and edit/add/preview data (the application is a dictionary of financial terms, which clients can view either through the user webpages or by subscribing to our RSS feed).

    Anyhow, the issue we're having is that the application, seemingly at random, logs you out. This is no good since it can happen after edits are made to entries in the database, causing a loss of data (which doesn't get saved due to this issue occurring when you try to navigate to another page or click on a control button). So basically, it's a mix bag of whether or not the app will kick us out when it's being used. This is very strange since this has only been happening for the last 2 weeks or so. The application code has not been changed to break anything, the database is the same as well.

    We have contacted technical support at discountasp.net via email, and the response is that the application is being recycled due to processes in the application pool exceeding 100MB. This makes no sense, considering that the entire website's files only take up 25MB. The database is 300MB but it never gets called/displayed all at once (when viewing the dictionary app, it is set to only load 20 small entries at a time). This random logout issue can even occur immediately after logging in (you log in and it goes back to the login.aspx page). I have even utilized web-based programs where you can punch in a specific URL and it will calculate the bandwidth being taken up, and nothing comes anywhere close to 100MB, or even 1MB.

    It is a critical issue that needs to be solved, and we are quite perplexed since this has not been going on until very recently despite nothing actually being changed in any of the code/data. We must solve this problem since this is halting any meaningful work from getting done with this application, plus there are major clients who rely on the data being processed within it.

    If anyone has any insight as far as solving this issue, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. mjp


    Your session data is likely being dropped when the application recycles. By default session information is stored in memory and recycling the application will drop any session variables.

    We host each account in its unique application pool. The application is recycled to release resources if any of the following conditions are met:

    - More than 20 minutes of idle time (no http request for 20 minutes)
    - The application uses more than 100 MB (IIS 6) or 200 MB (IIS 7) of memory
    - The application uses more than 75% of CPU resources for a given period of time (different for IIS 6 and 7)

    There are dozens of posts on this issue, but they all lead to this KB article.

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