login page is not always appearing first.

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by smh, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. smh


    I am new to this so I do not know why this is happening. It does not happen on the local machine.

    A user types in the web address and the login page comes up and they logon. This isindicated in my web config as follows:

    <forms name=".ASPXAUTH" loginUrl="login.aspx" protection="All"/>

    Also I am using cookies.

    After they log on they are directed to another page which is the default page and has information on it based upon their logon.

    But if they close the link and then go to another open internet window (with any site on it) and type in the address, they do not go to the login screen but to the default screen. Even if they logout and do this, they return to this screen

    However, if they open up a new browser window and type in the address, they go to the login screen.

    What could be causing this?

    Thanks for any help on this

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I think IE caches the login state.

    When you open a new IE instance, it is spawn as a new process which do not share the same memory.

    What puzzles me that it will pul up the page even after you logout. Have you tried refresh the page? Does it bounce you back to the login page?


  3. smh


    Yes, when I return to the same page after logout and refresh it, it returns to the login page. It seems to me a malicious user would not be refreshing this page! so I wonder what I could do to prevent this.

  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I don't think you need to be concerned about this one. This is because the user has to successfully authenticate first, if they click on other pages, it should also bring them back to the login page.

    If you are really concern, you should add a no-cache header in your page.


  5. smh


    OK and thanks for the information.

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