Logout Issue

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by kithkanan, Sep 28, 2008.

  1. Hi,

    I deployed an application here and when I tried to login and browse, it keeps on logging me off. Approximately every 5 minutes. I haven't assigned any sessions or cookies with this behavior. Does the server has an option for applications' sessions that I missed? Please help me. This logout stuff is really annoying and I bet my visitors won't like it :(
  2. I am having the exact same problem with my ASP.NET 2.0 application. I have tried a number of coding solutions to circumvent this problem but can't get the system to keep me from logging out after a couple of mins. I think there is something wrong with the discountasp.net servers because I do not have this problem on my test servers at all!!

  3. I forgot to mention in my last post, I tried a cookieless approach, just using the session and then tried using cookies with the session. The system keeps me logged in for a while but then seems to lose my cookie and/or my session variables. I am using AJAX enabled pages so there are both postbacks and callbacks. I think it is an IIS setting on the web server that is causing the problem!
  4. Hi,
    Contact Support, from your Control Panel, let them know what's going on.
    Also mention which Web you're site is on...It's listed in your account info.
  5. Created a ticket for this issue. Will see where it leads...do you have any ideas why this may be happening?
  6. I got a response back on my ticket. I wanted to make it available so that anyone else who has this problem can use it. Essentially, they are saying that we have to store all asp.net state information to our sql server database.

    Here's the response:

    I am implementing this right now and will post my findings.

    Hope this helps
  7. My solution for the logout problem

    1. Added the following line to my web.config in the system.web section:
  8. Hi Aniket,

    Thank you so much for putting much time and trying to solve this issue. I think we really have the same problem. I am using AJAX enabled pages as well.
    May I know what are the purpose of the commands you gave? I want to fully understand this issue. I'm running processes simultaneously every time interval. I really need help here. I am not good in this stuff.


  9. The first piece of code sets up the connection information in your application for the session state so that it can use sql server
    The second piece of code registers your database to store session state information when a user logs in.

    Good luck


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