Lossing Authentication

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by andygregory, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. Hi,

    I'm having a problem where I loss authentication when I'm on my site and then I'm sent back to my authentication page.

    It's a pretty beefy application and it seems to be happening mostly when I'm veiwing pages that have dotNetCharting graphs.

    Any ideas?
  2. Possible happens when you application gets recycled and you loose your session ,which happens in the following cases :

    1>Your application has a memory usage of over 100 MB (sufficient enough for many high end applications) -usually the case
    2>Your application's CPU usage has been consistently high.

    You may want to run your application locally and see what you memory usage is when you are viewing the dotNetCharting pages .


  3. Well it looks like my problem of lossing the auth ticket is solved. DASP helpdesk pointed me to the following post


    The solution worked great.... however, I still have a problem with my app recycling. I've looked at my app on my local system and it seems to run consistantly around 55 to 60 mb. However, when I view the pages which have dotNetCharting charts the memory starts climbing. Looks like a leak to me. Not sure if it's my code or theirs. But at least I'm not losing my auth ticket anymore. I also enabled Sql Session Management so that my Session variables are persisted across recycles.
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    most charting application does use a lot of memory because the image is generated in memory.



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