Mail Up and Mail Lost

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by zebray, Dec 2, 2006.

  1. When I find from my customers that email is down, I begin a small script on my personal server that uses my ISPs SMTP to send email. The script sends an email to all my test accounts (hosted with DiscountASP) with a time stamp. The server keeps a log of email sent and then I compare that with the emails that I get in my POP account with DiscountASP. When the outage "appears" to have ended, of course, DiscountASP doesn't say there was an outage and so they don't say when it is fixed either.

    Not surprising to me, oftentimes I discover that the server has a log for email(s) that never make it to my POP DiscountASP account. DiscountASP says this is not possible, they have redundant email and all email is posted back from the backup at some time. Not true, when DiscountASP has an outage, I know that mail is lost.

    Just thought you would like to know and that perhaps your customers might want to know that email can be and is lost during outages.
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    First, we apologize for all the trouble caused by the outage.

    In general, most mail servers on the Internet are configured to attempt redelivery to unavailable mail server for 72 hours. If the sending mail server is configured to return email to sender if target server is unavailable, then you will get a bounce.


  3. Is that your redundent back-up? The sending servers retry?
  4. I ask again, since I did not get a reply, is DASPs back-up system the sending mail servers retry attempt or do you have an on-site backup to you mail system?
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    what do you mean? can you rephase?

    >> that your redundent back-up? The sending servers retry? <<


  6. I was told that the DASP mail system had a redundent back up to ensure that email is not lost duing an outage, such as you had on Saturday.

    I assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that this meant that DASP has a system on site that captures incoming mail when the primary is off-line and that mail is then dumped back. Now, it sounds like there is no on site back up of the primary and that the system relies instead on the sending servers reattempt setting? Is this correct?
  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    No. The email system itself is a clustered mail system designed to handled over 100,000 domains.

    The system itself has redundency built in. The outage over the weekend was caused by a failure on BOTH of the load balancer which is highly unlikely. We are looking into adding more redundancy into the system.

    Again, most mail servers should be configured to keep the mail on the sending server and attempt redelivery for 72 hours.



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