Mail with persits... error says : recipient not allowed by my list...

Discussion in 'Classic ASP' started by carslegendc, Mar 9, 2006.

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  1. thank you Joel,

    now i don't have any errors, but nobody receives the emails...

    Karim. /emoticons/shocked.gif
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  3. Well Well Well,
    i did not change anything, i mean i change one line of code in my recordset.. and now everyhing works fine ...

    quite strange... anyway thx for helping /emoticons/hop.gif /emoticons/hop.gif /emoticons/hop.gif
  4. Sorry for being so late, but I was away...
    so here is the code i use :

    dim login
    dim pass

    login = (RsRenvoiMailClient.Fields.Item('UserName').Value)
    pass = (RsRenvoiMailClient.Fields.Item('Password').Value)
    Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject('Persits.MailSender')

    Mailer.Host = 'localhost'
    Mailer.FromName = 'Admin Cars Legend'
    Mailer.From= '[email protected]'
    Mailer.AddAddress (RsRenvoiMailClient.Fields.Item('Email').Value)
    Mailer.Subject = 'Rappel de vos coordonnées Cars Legend'
    Mailer.Body = 'Bonjour,' & VbCrLf & 'ceci est un rappel de vos coordonnées Cars Legend' & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & 'Login: ' & login & vbcrlf & 'Password: ' & pass & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & 'Cars Legend Team.'

    ' catch errors
    On Error Resume Next


    If Err <> 0 Then ' error occurred
    Response.Write 'Erreur de transmission. Erreur : ' & Err.Description
    Response.Write 'Mail parti...'
    End If


    thanks Karim.
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