Helllo guys! can someone point me to a good mailing list system that has a free trial and that supports ms access? thanks in advance!
...I've got a few in my old Classic ASP archives. Will look through those files later but...Do you promise to use this only for good things? ;-) (No spam, nothing harmful) All the best, Mark
but im using aspx/.net? is that possible still? yeah this is not spamming, visitors have to be opted-in before they receive emails.... thanks in advance!
OK I'll look around. Keep in mind something like this should go down the tracks with SQL Sever, not Access. ;-)
yeah, sql is better but my client does not have ms sql on their server package. only ms access via odbc. if that makes sense. i have to request them to have it upgraded to include ms sql but for now they just need it. Thanks a lot for helping. I'm still learning asp.net and server configuration and stuffs.
hi! i was looking around as well and found digsolNOSv100 however, when i try to send an email to one email address it says message sent to [email address] but i dont actually receive it... the code for the mail.asp is: PHP: <!--Copyright 2002, Dan Hounshell, Digger Solutions. All rights reserved. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. --> <%Sub SendEmail(eToName, eToEmail, eFromName, eFromEmail, eSubject, eBody, eCCName, eCCEmail, _ eBCCName, eBCCEmail, eAttachedFile, eBoolHTML) if gsMailComponent = "CDO" then Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") Mailer.To = eToEmail Mailer.From = eFromEmail Mailer.Subject = eSubject Mailer.Body = eBody if eAttachedFile <> "" then Mailer.AttachFile = eAttachedFile end if if eCCEmail <> "" then Mailer.Cc = eCCEmail end if if eBCCEmail <> "" then Mailer.Bcc = eBCCEmail end if if eBoolHTML then Mailer.BodyFormat = 0 Mailer.MailFormat = 0 end if Mailer.Send Set Mailer = Nothing elseif gsMailComponent = "ASPXP" then Set mail = Server.CreateObject("ASPXP.Mail") mail.Host = gsMailHost mail.Port = 25 mail.Subject = eSubject mail.FromName = eFromName mail.FromAddress = eFromEmail 'mail.Importance = 2 mail.ToList.Add eToEmail, EToName if eBoolHTML then mail.HTMLBody = eBody else mail.PlainBody = eBody end if if eCCEmail <> "" then mail.CCList.Add eCCEmail, eCCName end if if eBCCEmail <> "" then mail.BCCList.Add eBCCEmail, eBCCName end if if eAttachedFile <> "" then mail.Attachments.Add eAttachedFile end if on error resume next mail.Send set mail = nothing elseif gsMailComponent = "PersitsASPMail" then 'this is just the framework, it needs to be setup for attachment, cc, bcc, etc set mail = server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender") mail.Host = gsMailHost mail.From = eFromEmail mail.FromName = eFromName mail.AddAddress eToEmail mail.AddReplyTo eFromEmail mail.Subject = eSubject mail.Body = eBody on error resume next mail.Send elseif gsMailComponent = "Jmail" then 'this is just the framework, it needs to be setup for attachment, cc, bcc, etc set mail = server.CreateOBject( "JMail.Message" ) mail.Logging = true mail.silent = true mail.From = eFromEmail mail.FromName = eFromName mail.Subject = eSubject mail.AddRecipient eToEmail mail.Body = eBody on error resume next mail.send(gsMailHost) elseif gsMailComponent = "ServerObjectsASPMail" then 'this is just the framework, it needs to be setup for attachment, cc, bcc, etc set mail = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.mail") mail.RemoteHost = gsMailHost mail.FromName = eFromName mail.FromAddress = eFromEmail mail.AddRecipient eToEmail, eToName mail.Subject = eSubject mail.BodyText = eBody on error resume next mail.SendMail elseif gsMailComponent = "MYASPMAILComponent" then ' some other component 'then do something else end if End Sub%> hope someone can point some issues... Thanks in advance!
all problem solved. But if you have a way better freeware version of a mailing list that i can look into that would be awesome. just for anyone out there who experience the same problem, the code below fixed it: PHP: if gsMailComponent = "CDONTS" then Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") Set Flds = iConf.Fields Flds("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 Flds.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "localhost" Flds.Update Set Mailer.Configuration = iConf Mailer.To = eToEmail Mailer.From = eFromEmail Mailer.Subject = eSubject Mailer.HTMLBody = eBody if eAttachedFile <> "" then Mailer.AttachFile = eAttachedFile end if if eCCEmail <> "" then Mailer.Cc = eCCEmail end if if eBCCEmail <> "" then Mailer.Bcc = eBCCEmail end if if eBoolHTML then 'Mailer.BodyFormat = 0 'Mailer.MailFormat = 0 end if Mailer.Send Set Mailer = Nothing