max email relays per day? per hour?

Discussion in 'Email' started by kn1ghtus, Oct 21, 2008.

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  1. what is the max amount of emails able to be sent per day per account? is there an hourly limit? we want to send out an email newsletter of about 800 people that have SIGNED UP for the service.
  2. mjp


    You won't have any trouble with an 800 address list. Those would all go out immediately.
  3. is this a specific answer to this? we are experiencing problems, I guess I have to open a trouble ticket.
  4. I don't want to be rude, but, what was the problem?

    I ask , only because I have the same questions as you. I have a monthly newsletter to send to 500 members/Users (not 500 recipients for one email , but 500 emails to each one recipient) using web page and in the code behind, using SMTP, to loop thru a table, with SQL Server 2005 (its where the email address is stored) and then send the email.

    I have read the other posts , where it mentions 1000 as a limit but does that apply when tryiing to send email from my website? using the structure I described above.

    Sorry if this sounds like a redundant question.

    Post Edited (dave142) : 11/12/2008 10:17:42 AM GMT
  5. mjp


  7. Very useful info.

    However, I do have one question. When do you calculate the 24 hour period? Is it midnight to midnight?
    It would be very rare that we would reach that limit, but our club is growing fast so we want to code for it just in case.

  8. The period is constantly rolling. Meaning if you sent one email right now, it would count until 24 hours from now.
  9. I was afraid you would say that. Will make it a little tougher to code for, but still doable.

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