Membership Provider Problem

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by easyrealtya, May 8, 2005.

  1. The beta site has no Go-love license for SQL Server Express. This means that the login object will not work on the beta site. You probably will find that it works on your local. If it does not work locally go find SQL Server Express and load it up. Microsoft gives out an evaluation copy on their site
  2. That has to be incorrect. There are many people running beta 2 using SQL Server 2000. I just need the config information to make it work. I guess its a little disapppointing that our hoster hasn't provided the config information in the knowledge base since I know you and I aren't the only two who would like to use it.

    I actually signed up for specifically because they provided a beta 2 sandbox, but thus far I have been unable to utilize it due to this issue.
  3. It is correct.

    Go to you will see my login object and a datagrid below it.

    My datagrid on this beta site CAN see my SQL Server addon on all know that to be a fact.

    That login object fails to validate from the same table the datagrid pulls from in my SQl addon account

    The datagrid is not dependent on SQL Server express the login object is

    I use the same connection string for the login object as I do for the datagrid

    The db that the string connects to is a replica of the aspnetdb.I pushed all the tables and data from a aspnetdb created by the utility aspnet_regsql. Again I have tested this here and it is 100% working locally.

    This login and datagrid work 100% on my local system where I have SQl server and SQl Server express running. I move it the beta site and the grid still works but the login fails

    Here is my webconfig

    <configuration xmlns="">


    <add name="DB_146070ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=YOUR-VP7X3S9CTM;Initial Catalog=DB_146070;User ID=easyrealtya;Password=????????

    providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

    <add name="DB_146070ConnectionString2" connectionString="Data;Initial Catalog=DB_146070;User ID=easyrealtya;Password=????????

    providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />



    <customErrors mode="Off"/>

    <authentication mode="Forms">


    <membership defaultProvider="DB_146070ConnectionString2" >


    <add name="DB_146070ConnectionString2" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider" connectionStringName="DB_146070ConnectionString2" applicationName="MyApplication" enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="true" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="true" requiresUniqueEmail="true" passwordFormat="Hashed"/>





    I have two connection strings in thereI swap out as the default provider depending on if I run it here or on the beta site.

    On the site login as



    you will see the error I get.

    Tell me what you think.


    StevedA nEWBIe
  4. I am having problems getting my SQL Server 2000 database to work as the membership provider for my ASP.NET 2.0 site. I'm using the following web.config file:

    <configuration xmlns=''>
    <add name='MySqlConnection' connectionString='Data;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=ptkindyorg0' />
    <authentication mode='Forms' >
    <forms loginUrl='login.aspx'
    name='.ASPXFORMSAUTH' />
    <deny users='?' />
    <membership defaultProvider='SqlProvider' userIsOnlineTimeWindow='15'>
    <clear />
    passwordFormat='Hashed' />

    It says that there have been no providers created when I run the ASP.NET Configuration tool on the web. I've tried everything I can possibly think of, but nothing is working. I pulled this file straight off the MSDN link that was posted in this forum.

    Any ideas? The SQL Server 2000 database works fine as a data connection in VWD Beta 2, just not recognized as a provider.

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