Migrated to IIS7/Windows 2008 - getting ASP 0131 Error

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by ColdSun, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Hello,

    I upgraded to IIS7 and Windows 2008. After the upload everything seems to work ok except on one of my classic ASP applications I get this error:

    Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'
    Disallowed Parent Path

    I can't seem to find anywhere in the control panel for IIS to change the parent paths option. I also loaded up the new IIS 7 Application Manager and can't seem to find the setting in there either. Any help would be appreciated - the only thing stopping my application from running is this parent paths issue. It has my connection to the database!

  2. Hi,
    If you're only running ASP for now log into the Control Panel and change your IIS7 mode to Classic.
    That may just do it.
  3. That didn't do it but thanks much for helping out. :)

  4. Hi,
    Check to see if you are using "file" for includes.
    It's even more important now on IIS7 to change each include method to "virtual".

    I started doing that with Classic ASP when the v3 server directives came out years ago.
  5. Thanks Mark. I was thinking of creating a virtual directory so I could point to things in it. The only problem is I don't see the capability of doing that anywhere in these new controls.
  6. Support fixed me up. They are really good here. Thanks guys!
  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    With IIS 7, we disabled Parent Path by default and you need to create a ticket to enable it.


  8. Thanks for lettingus know about that bro.
    I'll make a note...Had no idea. [​IMG]

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