Migrating from Windows2003 / IIS6 to Windows2008 / IIS7

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by Dekker, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. I am considering migrating one of my DASP sites from its existing home on IIS6 onto IIS7.

    Before I commit to it, I had some questions that I could not find answers to in the KnowledgeBase
    <ul>[*] how exactly do I request this move?
    [*] How long from the time we say go until the server is live? Is it much more than a few hours?
    [*] Is there any provisioning for 'staging' on IIS7 before we 'flip the switch to live'? By this I mean is there another directory/location to which we can FTP our files, setup our IIS options, tweak-and-configure, all before we point our domain address to it?[/list]

    And finally:
    <ul>[*] Has anyone had experience with migrating an existing application? I am aware of a few IIS/.Net modifications (for which I see alot of documentation), but I am referring to the DiscountASP swap itself from IIS6 to IIS7?[/list]

    Thanks for your assistance!
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    • how exactly do I request this move?

    Open a support ticket

    • How long from the time we say go until the server is live? Is it much more than a few hours?

    Depends on the size of your data. The majority of the time for the move is data / log migration. If you have a relatively small site (5 MB of less), it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.

    • Is there any provisioning for "staging" on IIS7 before we "flip the switch to live"? By this I mean is there another directory/location to which we can FTP our files, setup our IIS options, tweak-and-configure, all before we point our domain address to it?

    Unfortunately, no. In our experience, when we offer these feature, most customer will not "flip" the switch and it ends up to be a support nightmare.

    I recommend installing IIS7 on your local computer and test your app beforehand.

    And finally:

    • Has anyone had experience with migrating an existing application? I am aware of a few IIS/.Net modifications (for which I see alot of documentation), but I am referring to the DiscountASP swap itself from IIS6 to IIS7?

    We haven't heard much problem w/ the migration system. In most cases, users run into application isssue.



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