Modify dataSet via code

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by findcausene, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. findcausene

    findcausene chas28

    I need help in using code to modify the data in a dataset.
    The code I am using is:
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '-- Open a database connection</o:p>
    Dim DBConnection As New OleDbConnection( _</o:p>
    "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" &amp; _</o:p>
    "Data Source=" &amp; Server.MapPath("~/app_data/capsDb1.mdb"))</o:p>
    '-- Issue an SQL command through the database connection</o:p>
    Dim SQLString As String</o:p>
    ' SQLString = "SELECT CID, SID, [Investigation Title], [Date Accessed] FROM [Status Table] ORDER BY SID"</o:p>
    SQLString = "SELECT [Questions Table].QTPriority, [AI Questions Table].AIID, [AI Questions Table].Question, [AI Questions Table].Rationale FROM ((([AI Questions Table] INNER JOIN [Questions Table] ON [AI Questions Table].AIID = [Questions Table].AIID) INNER JOIN [Status Table] ON [Questions Table].SID = [Status Table].SID) INNER JOIN [Characteristics Table] ON [Status Table].CID = [Characteristics Table].CID) WHERE ([Characteristics Table].Defect = 'Dissolution') ORDER BY [AI Questions Table].AIID Desc"</o:p>
    Dim DBCommand As New OleDbCommand(SQLString, DBConnection)</o:p>
    'set up DataSet and DataAdapter</o:p>
    Dim myDataSet As New DataSet</o:p>
    Dim myDataAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter</o:p>
    myDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(DBCommand)</o:p>
    'bind the dataSet to the GridView</o:p>
    GridView1.DataSource = myDataSet</o:p>
    The error message I get is
    Server Error in '/WebSite10' Application. </o:p>

    Compilation Error </o:p>
    Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

    Compiler Error Message: BC30367: Class 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter' cannot be indexed because it has no default property.

    Source Error:</o:p>

    Line 30: myDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet)</o:p>
    Line 31: </o:p>
    Line 32: Response.Write(myDataAdapter("Question"))</o:p>
    Line 33: </o:p>
    Line 34: 'bind the dataSet to the GridView</o:p>
    If I change Line 32 to read myDataSet.?Question?) = ?XXX? I get the same error. What can I do that will lwt me modify data in the various columns? Any help will be appreciated as this has stumped me for some time.
    Thanks in advance.
  2. findcausene

    findcausene chas28

    Thanks for the info on the tutorials, they were very helpful.


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