Moving files

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by klroach62, Dec 23, 2005.

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  1. I am triying to move files on a network drive This work in VB but not in ASP.nET
    how do I impersonate a user

    Session("sBatch") = "ARL_LOG_07_01_03_2005"
    ' file_path = Session("sPath") & "\Images\" & Session("sBatch")
    file_path = "\\\Data\IT_Test\Images\ARL_LOG_07_01_03_2005"
    file_name1 = Dir(file_path & "\*.*", FileAttribute.Directory)
    do While file_name1 <> ""
    If InStr(file_name1, ".") <> 0 And Len(file_name1) > 2 And i = Session("nextTiff") Then
    Session("nextTiff") = Session("nextTiff") + 1
    Session("txtTiff") = "data/IT_test/images/" &amp; Session("Batch") &amp; "/" &amp; file_name1
    ActiveImageFile = file_path &amp; "\" &amp; file_name1

    Exit Do

    End If

    i = i + 1
    file_name1 = Dir()

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Are you running this on your local computer? What error are you getting?

    This will not work for sure on the hosting server.


  3. Thanks guys I got it to work
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