Moving Website Question

Discussion in 'Pre-sales questions' started by Ben Porter, Feb 19, 2011.

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  1. Ben Porter

    Ben Porter Guest

    I'd like to move my website. Classic .asp MSaccess website many original pages were from Storefront 5.0. Using code to upload called aspSmartUpload.

    When setting up the site with how do I communicate I need the following installed on server:

    1. copy aspSmartUpload.dll to a directory like c:\mydir.
    2. then save component with REGSVR32.EXE c:\mydir\aspSmartUpload.dll
    3. Install aspSmartUploadUtil.dll by copying into ...\system32 directory.
    4. Rename sfserver to an EXE file.
    5. Run exe file.

    The sfserver.dll in sfserverinstall-Server component.EXE is a COM wrapped java component that handles win sock requests to UPS, FedEx and DHL for obtaining realtime shipping rates from their rate servers. Additionally, the sfserver.dll handles credit card encoding for StoreFront web store security. The installation package also installs the sfdb.ini data handler file which is required for supporting msadc connections on properly secured severs. (I am only using sfserver.dll for encoding credit cards).

    I am uncertain about my abilities to publish to a new location, is there a support person to walk me through the process?

  2. mjp


    I'm afraid that you can't use an application that requires installation or registration of a component on the server. You might want to check with the developers of the application and see if there is a version that is bin deployable.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks for your quick response.
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