MS Access database issue

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by pdfpublisher, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. allows customers to upload their MS Access database into a special, secure folder in their account named _database/. I assumed this folder will allow site connections to the Access database for use in an .aspx page. Their knowledge base article titled "How to query an Access database" was written for a .asp page and will not work with a .aspx file.

    I recently submitted a support request to dasp shown below:

    Subject: MS Access connection Your knowledge base titled "How to query an Access database with ASP using a DSN-less connection" will not work with because the Let and Set assignment statement are no longer supported.

    Is there another way to remotely connect to and maintain my MS Access (.mdb) database via

    Is there a commerical application that will work?

    What is the remote path to my MS Access database files and should I use a user name and password?

    This was the reply I received from

    Hello, I suggest that you post this question onto our forums for further assistance. I suggest you upgrade your database to utilize SQL server database.

    This reply tells me there is no support for MS Access database connections because dasp wants to sell SQL Server at $10.00 per month per database. I already have a SQL database account but want to use my MS Access database tables to display data in my .aspx page.

    I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions from members of this forum.
  2. Have you tried using this example for your connection string to Access?

    <script language="VB" runat="server">
    sub Page_Load(sender as Object, e as EventArgs)
    Dim connString as String
    connString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & _

    Dim objConnection as OleDbConnection
    objConnection = New OleDbConnection(connString)
    objConnection.Open() 'open the connection

    I actually saw this in
  3. mjp


    Not exactly.

    We discourage the use of Access databases related to web applications because Access was not built for, or intended to be used with, web applications.

    For that reason it is problematic on a lot of fronts, and thus extremely difficult to troubleshoot/support.

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