multiple domains one account

Discussion in 'Getting started' started by nb123, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. -Can i have multiple domains(registered somewhere else) hosted under one account in DASP?
    -Each of these domains need to point to site of their own, points to site A whereas points to site B..Site A and B need to have its own DB and email address.
    - Currently i have hosted with you guys,i need the same thing for different schools done.I don't want to create separate account for each school,from mgt perspective and also want to have it cost effective,it would be a nightmare.

    suggestions much appreciated.
  2. You've asked a few different questions here and these types of question do come up fairly frequently in these forums but the general answer is yes, mutliple domains can be used with a single DASP account.

    From a DNS perspective, one approach might be to point a CNAME record for the new domain at the existing hosted domain and then redirect on DASP using the IIS URL rewrite module.
    Another approach might be to opt for the unlimited subdomain option where sub-domains point to the account root and then again redirect on DASP using the IIS URL rewrite module.

    Multiple web applications can be managed / setup with the DASP control panel web application tool - there's no limit to the number of web application starting points that you're able to config up in the control panel. All web applications in a single account share the same app pool so therfore share the same resources and app pool recycle policy.

    You mentioned each site will need it's own database but you didn't mention what RDBMS you need / use. If it's a DASP hosted MySQL db then you can just create yourself a new MySQL db because there's no limitation or cost impact for doing this. If it's a DASP hosted SQL Server db then you'd have to add a new SQL Server db add-on because these are provisioned on a single db basis and there is a cost impact for each individual db.

    It's actually possible to use a single database across mutliple web sites with some careful planning and using a separating naming convention for database objects so maybe the "each site will need it's own database" requirement is not a requirement.

    Email can be managed for each domain separately - my personal recommendation for this one would be to implement this externally using an email service outside of the DASP environment. Until recently I would have recommended a Google Apps free account but now that Google has removed that option, is a reasonable replacement and easy enough to setup.

    I hope that helps.
  3. tasha

    tasha DiscountASP.NET HBIC

  4. mjp


    I'm going to throw this out there, even though it's a bit early: we are working on some changes that will allow for multiple domain hosting, each domain in its own app pool, no redirection or voodoo required.

    We're working on a lot of things, actually, and I think the results are going to blow a lot of minds, as the kids say. ;)

    As I said, these things are still a way off, but our goal is a fourth quarter launch. Though goals are, you know, flexible.
  5. martino

    martino DiscountASP.NET Staff

    You can add the domain names as domain pointers through our add-ons page in the control panel.

    Or if you like you can order the unlimited subdomain add-on services to the hosting account. This will provide you with a Unique IP number.

    In which case you can point any other domain name to that Unique IP number. But, then you will need to provide your own emailing service for the domain names.

    If you add the domain names as domain pointers. We provide a email alias email service for each additional domain pointer you add. These means if you have as your main domain name. Then have as the domain pointer. You would need to create the email user on our email system for

    For example: I want to use [email protected]. This means that I need to create [email protected] on the main hosting account and enable email alias for the domain pointer I wish to use. More about domain pointer alias can be found in our knowledge base article here:
  6. Hi guys, I think I'm understanding most of what you're saying. Can you tell me if what I'm looking at is possible? Currently we host a couple of accounts with you. One is, which is the main website (.NET) and only one on that account. It currently exists in the root directory. I'd like to implement a substantial blog section (also .NET) that is stand-alone, but can exist on the same domain, but in a sub-directory where the global/config files will not conflict.

    I would like to move the main website to a sub-directory on the same level as the blog application so that they don't conflict. Is that possible? Also, and very important, can I maintain the domain pointing at the sub-directory without including the new sub-directory in the URL (i.e. so that the site page URLs will all remain the same as the are today). I'd like the blog site to then be accessible using something like - also without referencing the sub-folder in the URL.

    I hope all that is possible. What I've read so far doesn't confirm it so I'm hoping you might be able to. Thank you!
  7. Mtundu, this is possible.

    You would host two different .NET applications, each in its subdirectory; you would probably need to mark each subdirectory as a Web Application (using your Control Panel).

    Then you would need to implement redirection (using code or the URL Rewrite module) to direct your root domain (and probably the "www." subdomain) to the subdirectory you deployed your main site to as well as the "blog." subdomain to your blog subdirectory.

    The finishing touch is to use the URL Rewrite module to rewrite the URLs in a client’s browser so that even though they are being redirected to a subdirectory it is not apparent in the URL.

    Using the URL Rewrite module you can rewrite “” to look like “”.
    mjp likes this.
  8. Thanks Andcon! I'll give it a try then.
  9. Well,
    I'm running into a problem trying this locally. I've configured IIS to look at a directory that is one removed from the real root (i.e. pointing to "www", which contains a folder "root"). The website is contained in "root" and "root" is configured as an application. In my web.config file I do a URL rewrite to basically removed the "/root" from the URL. However, I'm getting the following error in my web.config:

     Configuration Error
    Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
    Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level.  This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.
    Source Error:
    Line 165:      <error statusCode="404" redirect="FileNotFound.htm" />
    Line 166:    </customErrors>
    Line 167:    <machineKey validationKey="E32092221AC13CA90FDD5B351077FD0A5CCD0362A1A12A7AF9D2F9FD014435B98B99F297CB9B98CB24185531F06219010D014850EC18E4E2EF133C5A61EDFDE9" decryptionKey="3B3C25A0941C5E26B53CD7F373C1AB722DC5F03C7C0C26F03806E329CEE2AE4D" validation="SHA1" />
    Line 168:    <compilation debug="true" batch="false" targetFramework="4.0">
    Line 169:      <assemblies>
    Source File: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\GMwholesaleNEWER\www\root\web.config    Line: 167 
    If I need the machineKey reference, how can I use the "root" folder as an application if it's not truly at the root of the website in IIS? Any ideas?
  10. This error message indicates that the directory you deployed this application too needs to be marked as Web Application using the Web Application Tool in your Control Panel.
    mjp likes this.
  11. Thanks Andcon. I had it marked as a web application, but on the wrong website in IIS (i've got a couple I'm testing with the same directory structure). That's working now. Thanks!

    Do you have any ideas on how I might "hide" the application directory reference in the URL using a rewrite? Assuming "example" is my web application folder inside root, I've got and I'd like it to read Whatever I attempt gets me a 404 error saying that it can't find the resource. I assume that's because it's looking for the file in the root directory instead of the application folder. Any ideas there?
  12. mjp likes this.

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