Multiple domains??

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Muller2, Dec 26, 2006.

  1. All,

    I have recently moved to and I am very inpressed and happy with the move! The only issue I have is, I own 6 small (maybe <10 pages each) sites and they all are built in I would love to move these all to but they don't generate enough to have there own package, is there away or could it be looked into having multiple domains to a account?

    If so I'd use this function straight away and I'll move over my sites now. I am also looking to develop another say 20 sites within the next 3 months and I would love to host they all here under one account.

    If you charged for additional domains and if the price was sensible, I'd love to move them here too!


  2. You can always add the domain pointer addons and incorporate redirect scripts. So depending on which URL is inputted, is what subdirectory it will be redirected to. You can referrence this kb article for an example code of a redirect script.

    Now there are some disadvantages with this setup. One is that the domain pointers do not come with email accounts. So if you need emails for these domains you will need to obtain the services of email hosting companies. Once that is achieved you can go into your DASP control panel and modify the MX records for those domain pointers to point to the correct email server. Another draw back is that it does not have its own ftp site or ftp users. The domain pointers will share the same space as your main domain.
    That being said, it will share the same application pool as your main domain. This gets a little tricky cause if you have an application that gets hung up, it'll affect all your other applications on that account. It will be difficult for us to diagnose this since all applications are running on the same application pool name.

    Also remember that bandwidth usage along with disk usage will all be shared on one account. So you might want to monitor these usage summary for a short while.

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