I tried to install an application developed with the RC of MVC 3, as in subj. I got a lot of errors, all regarding dlls not present in the dest directory, so I ftp'ed them, but now I find a blocking error, I don't fully understand: Method not found: 'Void System.Web.WebPages.WebPageContext..ctor(System.Web.HttpContextBase, System.Object, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2<System.Object,System.Object>)'. Exception Details: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void System.Web.WebPages.WebPageContext..ctor(System.Web.HttpContextBase, System.Object, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2<System.Object,System.Object>)'. I see that this method is found in System.Web.WebPages.dll, that I copied in the dest directory: maybe is there anything that should be registered on the dest server? I hoped I could use MVC 3 just copying dlls... :-( Thanks in advance to who has some idea, even just to where to point attention. Andrea
You should be able to just bin deploy mvc dlls. the error you are getting is not really related to missing dlls.
MVC 3 rc list Just to be very specific these files must be coppied to your /bin directory on the web server allong with your sites .dll files. No other registration needed. Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll System.Web.Helpers.dll System.Web.Mvc.dll System.Web.Razor.dll System.Web.WebPages.Deployment.dll System.Web.WebPages.dll System.Web.WebPages.Razor.dll WebMatrix.Data.dll All have the file date of 1/5/2011 3:45pm Most of the files are in this directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\v1.0\Assemblies
This worked for me.... many thanks Perhaps this could be added to FAQ's - I assume support MVC 3 meant that the dlls were installed on the server in GAC Cheers