MX Error

Discussion in 'Email' started by mjb1980, Jul 23, 2009.

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  1. Hey guys and gals,

    I am by no means a pro here - so please bear with me.

    I have a domain purchased through GoDaddy and I'm using DASP as my hosting account (don't ask why I didn't just purchase the Domain through DASP).

    The site is up and working (contact form sending to the right email), email is connected to Microsoft Outlook and Sending/Receiving... everything seems to be working fine.

    Two email accounts were created through the GoDaddy Email System (example):
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Through DASP, I created two Email Alias' (example):
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    ... and these email alias' forward to the two GoDaddy email addresses.

    In my site application I have the contact form sending emails to the email alias' and these email are indeed being received.

    However, in the GoDaddy Mail control panel it is stating that the MX Records for both email accounts cannot be verified.

    To resolve this issue, GoDaddy is telling me that I need to change the MX Records (CNAME and SMTP) to correct this error.

    My questions are:

    - Why is this even an issue? I'm not seeing any problems with functionality. Emails are being sent. Everything is connecting. Why the error?
    - Has ANYONE run into a similar issue - and how did you deal with it.
    - Finally, ... well... HELP!

    Thanks in advance people!
  2. ...I'm not sure but hopefully someone will chime in with an answer for you.
    Wanted to note however that I use GoDaddy for all of my domains here and it works out great.
    All I do is point the GoDaddy domains to DASP name servers then use the DASP smtp services, not GoDaddy.
    All the best,
  3. Hey Wise,

    I thought that's what I had done.

    I changed the DNS settings on the GoDaddy account to point to DASP NameServers.

    Like I said, the email is functioning normally. Email are being received, sent, forwarded... yeah... It's working fine.

    Truth to tell, the only reason I knew there was a problem is because the guy I set the site up for originally bought the domain through GoDaddy and set up his own email accounts in hopes of doing his own site. Later, he hired me to do it for him. I've never operated outside of DASP as far as client sites... so... as far as I knew... everything was working fine.

    I'd LOVE an answer to this problem though.

  4. ...That is the way I have it setup for multiple domains and it was originally suggested to me by DASP.
    The part where you may be getting an error is your site has one root domain...
    Any others need to be pointers, if added here for your site.
    There's a section in the DASP KB about pointer aliases, although I have not used them.
    All the best,
  5. After reading that article, I've done as I've needed to do. Basically, creating an alias-forward almost for any email address referencing the Domain Pointer Site.

    I guess this leaves me wondering if this MX Error will present a bigger problem down the line or if I simply need not worry about it?

  6. ...Not sure but I'm hoping someone who does will chime in soon. ;-)
  7. mjp


    I guess I don't understand why you are still using the GoDaddy email accounts? Why not just set up POPs on the domain here?

    Is your domain or a GoDaddy email domain?

    I'm confused.
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