My web site hacked !!!

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by patrudu, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. I was shocked to notice that my web site at was hacked today. I found the followingmessage instead of my home page.. .

    What's the problem???????? I will be replacing the home page.

    ith the hope you feel the pain before
    that u have not realized until
    teror had reached to you..

    ... s t o p ...
    Site is Hacked
    TURKISH HACKER by aLpTurkTegin
  2. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Please open a support ticket. Let them know if you are using any third party applications and which ones.

  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    we have seen many of these type of hack caused by people using old 3rd party application. make sure you check for security issues w/ any 3r party software you are using.


  4. XCOPY via ftp is an invitation for a hack!

    I am concerned about the FrontPage and FTP publishing methods. I believe both use clear text passwords over the wire. Worse is the default ftp user is the same user/pswd that opens the control panel (Administrator).

    Packet sniffers are free, and many have the ability to steam to grep, so hunting for logins isn't a high-tech challenge. A sophomore CS college student can figure it out.

    Any chance of supporting scp or ssh. Windows versions availablein freeware and inexpensive commercial products. must embrace this technology before one worries about the client piece. (The College of New Jersey) (University of Illinois)


    Walt Sully
  5. Bruce,

    does MS ftp.exe (command line ftp) use CHAP to login or does user/pswd move in clear text?
  6. I am using the latest version of Snitz forum. I think even discountAsp was using this sometime back. So this may not be the reason.
  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    FTP uses Cleartext

    patrudu, plse create a support ticket.



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