My website is not working in Mozila Firefox v. 3.0

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by paletittap, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. For some reason my website is not showing (it shows all black) when I use Mozila Firefox v. 3.0, but when I use IE or Firefox v. 2. everything is fine.
    Does anyone know why?? </font>. My website is: </font>

    Attached Files:

  2. Add firebug to FF3 and go over the elements.

    Seems FF3 doesn't find one of your CSS files and doesn't like the import in another.

    Also tries to block the external skype script.
  3. Thank you very much wisemx! I will review my code. I think you're right about the CSS file (I'm using a css script) besides I'm also using a skype script... Thanks again!!

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