myapp in webdeploy

Discussion in 'Getting started' started by Erik, May 10, 2013.

  1. Hey,

    I've just started on discountasp and used the web deploy publish settings file to publish my Orchard site from webmatrix.

    When I visit the website using the temp url (as I haven't transfered my domainname yet, still trying out discountasp) I need to use "".

    Thing is that I don't want the "myapp" to be there. I tried removing it from the publish settings but that doesn't work.

    So, my question is how I can make the site work by browsing to ""


  2. RayH

    RayH DiscountASP.NET Lackey DiscountASP.NET Staff

    You should be able to remove /myapp from the publishing settings. What's the error message you're getting?
  3. yep, ur right, strange, must have done a mistake.

    It does indeed work when removing the "/myapp"

    (and by now I know your support forum works fast as well :) )

  4. RayH

    RayH DiscountASP.NET Lackey DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I'm glad we were able to help you. :)
  5. We include the /myapp to ensure that if you have files located in the root they are not accidentally removed when testing out the web deploy feature.

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