Hey, I've just started on discountasp and used the web deploy publish settings file to publish my Orchard site from webmatrix. When I visit the website using the temp url (as I haven't transfered my domainname yet, still trying out discountasp) I need to use "http://e2partnersb.eweb801.discountasp.net/myapp/". Thing is that I don't want the "myapp" to be there. I tried removing it from the publish settings but that doesn't work. So, my question is how I can make the site work by browsing to "http://e2partnersb.eweb801.discountasp.net" thanks Erik
You should be able to remove /myapp from the publishing settings. What's the error message you're getting?
yep, ur right, strange, must have done a mistake. It does indeed work when removing the "/myapp" (and by now I know your support forum works fast as well ) thnx
We include the /myapp to ensure that if you have files located in the root they are not accidentally removed when testing out the web deploy feature.