Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by nlecren, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. If anyone is interested I have just finished my new fitness tracking site here on using ajax and 2.0. Nothing but an awesome experience using so far. Everything has been so easy here!!! Please feel free to check out my site and let me know what you think. My goal is to make it the easiest diet/fitness tracking site on the net.
  2. Has a clean look, seems like a good idea too.

    You are probably aware was part of a huge expired domains list.
    Will be good to keep that in mind just in case the original site made any enemies. [​IMG]
  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  4. mjp


    wisemx said...

    You are probably aware was part of a huge expired domains list.
    Will be good to keep that in mind just in case the original site made any enemies. [​IMG]

    How did you spot that? See it on a list of domains somewhere?

    Interesting that shows the domain most recently hosted a site for a bed and breakfast (?!) for a year and a half...[/quote]

  5. Thanks for the tip on the email validation problem, I am looking into that now. Not sure about the expired domain list thing. I've had the domain for almost a year and a half. What exactly does expired mean with regards to this sort of thing?
  6. ...Once a domain name that was registered, when the registration for that person expires, the name is parked or left in limbo.
  7. mjp


    That "limbo" is worse these days, because most registrars have programs now that attempt to make money off expired domains. In the past you could pretty much tell when a domain would be deleted and become available. Now, it may be "parked" with an ad page on it or even auctioned off.

    The up side to that is some registrars will continue to make the domain available to the original registrant during the period of time it is parked (after redemption period). The registrar that we use, OpenSRS/Tucows will return a parked domain to the owner after the redemption period --assuming, of course, that it hasn't been auctioned off. You still have to pay the redemption fee though, which is steep.

  8. Looks nice. You should also make it a mobile app. Another idea is to have a sheet to print out so users can keep a record with them.


    Mike Linder, CEO
    Useful Web Systems, Inc.
  9. Just wanted to let everyone know i have a new version of with extensive updates online. If anyone could check it out and let me know what they think that would be great!
  10. Very good job. And looks professional and easy touse. And good idea too.What program or web design toolsdid you use? For my stuff, I use VS 2008 and Arachnophilia, ... and google to find interesting coding ideas.

    Ifyou are considering makingit perform faster or be easier to manage, Ihave a few suggestions. You may have already considered these ideas, but ... here I go.

    (1) What if you put the header and the tabs in one page and use a frame to go to the other pages. I have read that some people don't like frames because it robs them of using meta tags in each page. because you are stuck with one page actually. and also you can't bookmark the separate pages, only the main page. but the benefit of using one page and a frame is that it should load faster between pages. check out how it works at .

    (2)you could try a master page and have the header and the footer there, while the contents are separate pages. but that still doesn't make it any faster. but itmay help in managing it because the header and footer for all the pages is in one place. There are tutorials for how to do that out there.

    (3) Another way is to create <div id="something"></div>panels and in the css make that something be visible, and then usejavascript functions that make them hidden or visible depending upon the link that was clicked. So for instance, the home link when clocked would be made visible and all other panels would be made hidden. that makes it appear to load faster between "pages" which are actually div's with content stacked in one page. the disadvantage of that is thatthe one huge page has to holdALL the content and so itinitially loads slower, but once loaded you can switch between links very fast. an example of that is at

    In the meantime, continued success.
    I hope you or anyone reading this willcritique my website for at
  11. jairosoft,

    Thanks for checking the site out hopefully it ends up being something you could use. I actually developed with VS 2k8, SQL Server 2005, and Fireworks. Master Pages are used for most of the pages like the header/footer combination.

    It always good to see somebody check it out.
    I checked out your site as well and it has a pretty cool layout. The slide show features is nice, did you use the ajaxcontroltoolkit for it? I haven't looked into Arachnophilia much how is it? It looks like some kind of html editor?

    If you would like a free trial to my site let me know and I can get you a discount code or if you have anyone else that might be interested that would be cool too.
    Also do you just design the site for that company or do you work there as well?
  12. hey. I use a javascript library called jquery and someone came up with the slideshow code using jquery
    check out
    I work at EWI and have been doing this website for a while, but it hasn't been finalized.
    Thanks for responding.
  13. I use Arachnophilia to check on the web pages code structure to make sure the tags are nested correctly and to beautify the code and once in a while to make a custom macro, but I don't have any set up lately. And I like its find and replace, where you can set it to have it find as you enter the string. and you can customize the menu and add your own buttons of macros. and it already has buttons for common html tags. and it is free and made in java.
  14. Let me clarify. EWI is Exterior Walls, Inc. and I am redoing their simple website of and the new pages are being tested at and that is the pages that you recently saw and liked the layout and wondered about the slideshow. And I am working for EWI, which is my brother's company. so I tend to get fired and I hire myself back in. And they are kind of desperate about me getting the website done. but nobody there is really reviewing what I am doing and directing me. I am just throwing ideas up and seeing if they like it. but someone who looked at it thought it was too complicated, and that the content might be lost in the complexity. I am going to have to get together with managers to see if I can get them to give me more specific ideas. Well I could use some new ideas about how to make it better. Thanks whoever looks at it and responds.
  15. Wow. Thanks Mark. You have a good eye for those details. And good ideas about simple web design. I will consider every suggestion and see how to implement it.

  16. Here's a few thoughts:
    1. The scrolling area in the upper left is nice but it's too fast and not tall enough that you can really see what is going by.
    2. I'd like to click on the center top EWI image to get back to the Main quickly.
    3. The building design for the center layout is nice but the light blue outside is too bright, distracting.
    4. I can't tell if the calendar serves a purpose or if it was placed there as candy.
      Just too squished up to make sense beyond assumptions.
    5. I'd suggest you edit the META tags and remove this each time: content="Arachnophilia 5.2"
    6. Sometimes there are too many scroll bars, i.e. "What we do"
      It might be better to re-size that center panel at times.

    Those are my nitpicks, all opinions, but 100% honest. [​IMG]

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