MySQL create event

Discussion in 'Databases' started by Qteeth, Dec 5, 2010.

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  1. Is it possible to create events?
    I really need this feature, it appears it is not possible :(
  2. ...Hopefully one of the DASP crew will reply soon.
    Most of us have never messed with MySQL.
  3. Hopefully it could be allowed to be used then. Its really just a scheduler for sql queries.. cant be bad.
  4. mjp


    I'll ask the DBA, but I'm pretty sure we are not running the MySQL event scheduler. I just checked in with a couple people I know at *nix hosts, and they don't run it either. Apparently there are resource issues around it when it's used on a shared server.
  5. Well ive tried to find something about some special performance issues with mysql event scheduler and failed, of course running another process on a system can be seen as a performance issue :) but I believe there are ways to create more real performance issues (like constant update requests ) that also exist current and arent denied.. I hope this answer isnt final and there will be a way to run this cheduler. I have asked about application warmup in IIS - that clearly is a performance issue on shared server and I can see why its not present, but this appears very innocent to me.. Thanks guys.

    also when i purchased MySQL hosting on DASP I kinda had this feature in mind and it was nowhere said its not allowed, its not some special addon feature like IIS warmup , its a part of MYSQL language. CREATE EVENT is part of current mysql SQL language , its not like one can expect this to be absent. This is kinda like hmm , " oops triggers are not allowed, they create performance issues"?
  6. mjp


    There are a lot of things that don't create problems when you're running one or two (or 20) databases on a server, but when you run hundreds - as every shared host does - everything changes, and you have to account for things that wouldn't be a problem on private servers. The resource and security concerns are very different.
  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Unfortunately, we do not support this feature.
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