national characteds garbled, help needed

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by pgklada, Nov 5, 2006.

  1. hello, everybody,

    I just registered a web site with and uploaded my little application.

    everything works as expected, except that some of croatian national letters (10 of them from Latin2/Win1250 codepage) are garbled

    I understand that .aspx and .vb files that I transported via ftp to a server contain these letters encoded in the source file probably as Win1250 and environment at is not oriented towards that code page, so compiler uses default system encoding to read source files and thus compiles strings in my programs in an unexpected way

    somebody must have already had this problem, so I hoped that somebody already has a (elegant?) solution to it

    if somebody knows something about that, please let me know


  2. DiscountASP does not install additional language packs on the server.So if the aspx and vb files are saved with encodingusing anything but UTF-8 then you may get problems displaying the characters.



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