Need ability to block ip addresses in IIS Mgr

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Takeshi Eto, Jan 14, 2007.

  1. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    We do not offer this feature. I will let our Product Team know about your suggestion.

  2. We (I)need theability to block ip addresses in IIS Mgr. Some other hosting providers provide this feature to their Customers. Fraudulent transactions cost money andthey consume bandwidth. Allowing your customers to block unwanted ip addresses would give discount asp another competitive advantage, and show the world that you are serious about helping to prevent fraud.
  3. mjp


  4. Thanks, I saw it. I agree it's simple to implement, but would all your users feel the same? Moreover, don't you think thatlevel of protection is superficial, at best? I think it consumes morebandwidth and discountasp resources than blocking at the IIS level. Microsoft added the function to IIS for a reason.Giving your customers the ability to make the change incontrol panelwouldstandardize the procedure for everyone (possibly reducing support calls as well).
  5. We're not far enough along at this point to take a safe stand on IIS IP blocking.
    Reason? The Internet is still stateless, ASP.NET 2/3 give us the best options and of course the new module support in IIS7.

    If you nail this down with solid investigation you'll find many countries that allow IPs which are not static and are allowed to roll.

    This has been a nightmare for many large companies and I've seen fake IPs countless times.

    Conduct a Google search with these words: fake IP addresscountry of origin
  6. [​IMG] that's awesome. i love it!
  7. Granted, but IIS is an OK first line of defense. Plus, I'm not includingfixes for proxy servers or masking sw. I'm talking about IP addresses that show up in ranges such as this one:

    Country IP Range: to
    Country fraud profile:High

    I think any hosting provider that is serious about combating fraud should inlcude a simple methodto block ip addresses. Don't you agree?
  8. I still prefer an alternative method, instead of blocking use a referring page or site.
    On a SDK site I ran that got competitive hack attacks continally I used pages on the FBI's site, was rather fun. [​IMG]

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