Need help with scheduled task

Discussion in 'Classic ASP' started by samedayshop, May 1, 2005.

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  1. I have the following .vbs program that I want to make a scheduled task:

    ' Open Database Connection

    Set Con = CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )

    Con.Open "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA Source="

    todaysDate = DATE()

    todaysDatePlusSix = DATEADD("d",6,todaysDate)

    todaysWeekday = WEEKDAY(todaysDate)

    plusSixDays = todaysWeekday + 6

    IF plusSixDays > 7 THEN

    plusSixDays = plusSixDays -7

    END IF

    sqlString = "SELECT standard_store_id, standard_open_time, standard_close_time " &_

    "FROM standard_hours WHERE standard_weekday_number=" & plusSixDays

    SET RSstandard = Con.Execute( sqlString )

    WHILE NOT RSstandard.EOF

    sqlString = "UPDATE current_hours SET " &_

    "current_store_date=#" & todaysDatePlusSix & "#, " &_

    "current_open_time='" & RSstandard( "standard_open_time" ) & "', " &_

    "current_close_time='" & RSstandard( "standard_close_time" ) & "' " &_

    "WHERE current_weekday_number=" & plusSixDays & " " &_

    "AND current_store_id=" & RSstandard( "standard_store_id" )

    SET RScurrent = Con.Execute( sqlString )



    I sent a note to support and this is the response I received:

    You cannot call a vbscript file in the scheduled task. It has to be an
    asp, or in general, a page that you can pull up using a

    Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get this scheduled task working?
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    you'll need to convert this to an ASP page.

    There are at least several problems in your script,

    1) the connection string is wrong.
    2) You'll have to wrap the code with




  3. Thanks Bruce....the script now works fine.
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