Need Knowledge Base/Lessons Learned

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by jpweber, Mar 13, 2012.

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  1. I'm not a programmer, but I did manage to create using Visual Studio 2011 / VB / .NET4.

    A client (GM) is requesting that we have a knowledge base of lessons learned -- where they could go to the website, create a question, and we'd answer it.

    For example: Q: Can a multiple camera system be used for bead detection?
    A: Yes, using the USS Bead Tracker in conjunction with PPT

    And so on. I've been told Wikis are useful in this regard, but I'm unsure where to find a Wiki, or if I'd be smart enough to implement it. Is this the best option? I've also read about Orchard CMS, although I'm unaware of it. OR should I try to use some type of blog??

    Any suggestions or guidance in this regard would be greatly appreciated!

    Jason Weber
  2. mjp


    Orchard is certainly not what you need. Nor is a blog.

    Wiki is not necessarily the best option for that either, though it could be useful for collecting questions. Not so useful for searching for answers to those questions.

    It's really a two-part problem you have. You need one function to collect questions and one to organize the answers. A knowledge base will do the organization of the answers, but the collection of questions could really be handled in a lot of different ways. It really depends on your workflow - who is answering the questions.

    You might want to look for a knowledge base program that accommodates users submitting questions. I don't know of any offhand, but I'm sure they're out there.
  3. martino

    martino DiscountASP.NET Staff

  4. Thanks for your reply, MTL .... I appreciate the time you took to respond! I found this link: and that has some good ASP-based FAQ systems in it that are free.

    Preferably, I'd like to have file upload capabilities so an engineer can upload a blueprint, and I'd like for the end-user to be able to submit his/her own question. Maybe I can make a separate contact form just for FAQs, and then when I get the question, have one of our engineers post the answer and include it in the faqs.

    How does this sound to you? Or do you have better suggestions? Thanks again for responding!
  5. Martino, thank you for that link. It looks good, and now I'm a bit torn between which links to test out. I may test 'em out both. But thank you for taking the time to respond, and thank you for the link. I appreciate the help!

    Jason Weber
  6. Need knowledge base (forum? FAQ?)

    Hello! I'm not a programmer, really, but I did manage to develop my (small) company's website using Visual Studio 2010 / VB / .net 4.0. I'm not precisely sure what I need, which is why I'm here .... lol

    A client requested a "knowledge base" of some sort on our website. For example, they might want to refer to it for useful tips, such as:

    Q: Is there a single-camera system for bead detection? (they would email this to me)
    A: Yes. The USS Bead Tracker in conjunction with PPT software will achieve this.

    But there could be dozens of questions, and I want the client to be able to submit their question to me. I don't know if I'm looking for a "forum" or a "FAQ", or whatever, but something that can be easily organized and understood -- a general knowledge base.

    I've read about things like YAF (yet another forum) and Comm100, but I don't know if these things will work, since they're C#, and .net3.5, etc., and I don't even know if that's what I need.

    Can anybody please help me out, and point me in the right direction? Any guidance would be truly appreciated!

    Jason Weber
    USS Vision Inc.
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