need small help

Discussion in 'HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS' started by Cyberoxy, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. Hey there!

    Hope not I disturb you. I just need a small help. I'm using some html tags in c#.

    I rather chose to use html select tag and checkbox tag. Contact.aspx.cs (code behind) doesn't recognise it because it is html tags. Is there a way to recognise html tags behind codes?? Look at below codes (bold):


    <select runat="server" name="order" multiple="multiple" id="dlist1" onchange="swapImage1()">
    <optgroup label="Sow Seeds of Love">
    <option data-card="32.00" data-memo="62.00" data-tags1="1.80" data-tags4="8.50" data-key="30.00" data-fridge="40.00" data-flower_sachet="----" value="Images/Order_names/SowSeeds/Faith01_yellow.jpg">Faith Card</option>
    <option data-card="32.00" data-memo="62.00" data-tags1="1.80" data-tags4="8.50" data-key="30.00" data-fridge="40.00" data-flower_sachet="----" value="Images/Order_names/SowSeeds/Grace01_green.jpg">Grace Card</option>
    <optgroup label="Goosebumps Vintage A">
    <option data-card="32.00" data-memo="62.00" data-tags1="1.80" data-tags4="----" data-key="30.00" data-fridge="40.00" data-flower_sachet="----" value="Images/Order_names/GoosebVA/GoosebumpVA_blue.jpg">Blue</option>



    <td class="style3"><input type="checkbox" name="description" value="Card A6" id="description" /> Card A6 (blank)</td>


    using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; //included

    msg += "Name: " + txtName.Text; // fine
    msg += "<br>Surname: " + txtSurname.Text; // fine
    msg += "<br>Email: " + txtEmail.Text; // fine
    msg += "<br>Order:" + HtmlTextWriterTag.Select.ToString("dlist1"); // belong to select tag

    msg += "<br>Order:" + HtmlTextWriterTag...? // belong to checkbox tag - how?

    mail.Body = msg;
    mail.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII;

    Hope you can help fix it! Your help much appreciated. Thank you! :)
  2. RayH

    RayH DiscountASP.NET Lackey DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Why not just use the DropDownList control? It does the wiring for you.

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