Need to create an Admin site to get to your DB Tables?

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by Mike Griffin, Jun 7, 2006.

  1. EntitySpaces Template Suite for ASP.NET Released

    We have released the first version of our EntitySpaces Template Suite for ASP.NET. Try the DEMO

    Here are the features:
    • All of thedatabases supported by EntiytSpaces should work with these templates.
    • The ASPX pages generatedbuild upon your already created EntitySpaces classes.
    • BothC# and VB.NET ASPX pages can be generated.
    • The look and feel of the ASPX pages are controlled by a very simple style sheet.
    • Master Pages are supported and optional (new with ASP.NET 2.0).
    • The generated ASPX pages use the new ASP.NET MultiView/View controls.
    • Browse, Detail, Edit and Search modes are supported.
    • You control what columns to display and in what order.
    • All column headers are clickable and sort the GridView(s).
    • Required fields use the RequiredFieldValidator control.
    • ForeignKeys are mapped to urls in detail mode and combo-boxes in edit mode.
    • Relationships can be mapped to subgrids in detail mode.

    Simply generate your ASPX pages, add them to your solution. Finally, add these files to your project (installed by the installer)
    • es_stylesheet.css
    • question.gif
    • GridBase.cs - C# projects only
    • GridBase.vb - VB.NET projects only

    Both the installer and theDEMO site are available for download to all who have purchased EntitySpaces. See thedownload menu on the main EntitySpaces site. This new template suitewill not be in the trial version. These templates are intended to provide the ability to administer databases over the web. This chore is typically overlooked although it is really needed. Such admin screens can eat up quite a bit of development time and they are much easier to generate. Other than the row of buttons at the top the demo site is 100% generated, no hand coding was done.

    These templates are not currently supported on the same level as the templates that generate the EntitySpaces classes. EntitySpaces will not be bogged down in supporting these or allow them to effect the timing of our 1.5 release which is fundamental to our long term strategy. That being said we will of course address issues over time and fix things as time allows.

    See the PDF file that describes the template(s) PDF

    Mike Griffin
    EntitySpaces, LLC

    We host here on

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