.NET 2.0 beta and release versions

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by davidseye, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. I have put some aspx files up on the davidseye.com server. I changed the .NET framework to 2.0 in the IIS Manager. The files don't want to work.

    I tested them on my local server. I put them up on the .NET beta server account I have. They work fine there.

    On my local machine I am running .NET 2.0 beta. Is that what's running on the beta machine as well? Are you all running the release version of 2.0 on the site servers there? Could that be the reason my pages won't work there eventhough they are working elsewhere? I've downloaded the release version for my local machine but I have been waiting for the VS 2005 launch because I have read that the beta versions don't want to run on the release .NET 2.0. Could it be the same for code generated with one release or the other?
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  3. Hi Bruce - thanks for responding. Before posting here I had put a support ticket on the control panel, then thinking it might better be a forum topic, I posted here. The problem turned out to be a permissions issue on the files system for my site caused by the recent relocation to a new server, so I am squared away.

    The always helpful and speedy tech guys at discountasp.net have come through for me again. (BTW - I was not paid to say that [​IMG] )
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

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