We just began using a new support portal: https://support.discountasp.net. You can log in using your Control Panel username and password. The support portal replaces our old helpdesk and Knowledge Base. You can still submit tickets to support and billing via email and bypass the portal, but those tickets will not be available in a ticket history, and you may be asked to authenticate using an account password before your response is answered, depending on the email address you send from. Additionally, if you submit your tickets through the portal, the support and billing departments will have some critical information about your account readily available, which will speed up replies. Previous ticket histories will not be available in the new support portal or in Control Panel. Unfortunately the old helpdesk system was really old, and not even remotely compatible with the new system, so no import of ticket histories could be performed. We still have access to the old helpdesk, however, so we can access your ticket history should it be necessary. The new Knowledge base is set up the same way the old KB was, but the presentation is a bit different, so it may take a bit of poking around to get used to. The search is improved, however, and we have a wealth of statistics available to us to help improve the Knowledge Base as time goes on. We are confident that the new support portal is an effective tool, and hope that as you use it you will come to appreciate the improvements over the old system.