Newbie Question......

Discussion in 'Classic ASP' started by FirstStrike, Feb 2, 2006.

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  1. Hi!

    I am just beginning on ASP. I know VB, VC++, VBScript etc.

    An application I am looking to build out will require speed.

    While searching about on the net it was stated that ASP scripts are not speed friendly as compared to compiled .DLL's as DLL's are compiled already and scripts basically are compiled on the fly.

    I tried a small example I found and while it works locally fine when sending it up to it does not.

    The article resides at:

    It creates a simple 'Leap Year' .dll component and has a little .asp script to call it.

    I tried this and it fails on discountASP. It will not create the object.

    I loaded the .DLL into the bin directory etc.

    I did read in a message thread that discountASP does not allow for COM components. Is this correct?

    If so how do I get around this matter and be able to use compiled DLL's?

    If I simply cannot use created pre-compiled DLL's then a significant portion of ASP's real strength is not available at DiscountASP if I understand things correctly. If that is in fact the case are there any hosting services that do allow one to leverage this. The application I am looking to build is going to require speed, probably eventually sit on its own dedicated server at a hosting firm. Please advise.

    If I cannot leverage DLL's at DiscountASP I will need find a place I can and cancel hosting here.
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    > I did read in a message thread that discountASP does not allow for COM components. Is this correct?

    Yes. That is correct. COM object can be potentially dangerous. For instance, if there's a problem w/ the COM object, it can cause problem on the whole server rather than the site alone.

    In general, ASP & COM is an old technology. If you are learning, I highly recommend you start w/ ASP.NET (the successor of ASP). It will come much easier for you if you have back ground in VB & C++.


  3. Hi Bruce,

    I do understand the issues of server performance etc. with COM objects. I am, at least at this point uncertain where is any safer in that regard. I've done a little reading on via web sites and understand its compiled once on the fly and only recompiled if changes are made to source. But in reality how is it any safer than asp. Speedwise obviously compile to machine code or perhaps its some form of p-code is still going to be faster than generic interpreted mechinisms. But, bad code is still going to be bad code performance wise yes? If someone just write code that has no other goal but to munch cycles is this still not going to be degrading towards server performance?

    Lastly are you saying I should not bother with learning classic ASP at all? Just start with 1.1 or 2.0? Any advice on books?

    I dont want waste my time on ASP classic as its been deemed if content is just not applicable to .Net
  4. Hi Joel,

    I have done some reading and am aware of the COM issues. What ASP.Net books would anyone? recommend I look into.

    My project we feel will be looking at significant traffic and a significant amount of database. At some stage we'd expect needing a dedicated server, perhaps more than one.

    I prefer going 'ASP' simply because I already know VB and C++ / Windows coding as compared to the alternative which would be Java perhaps with the new PHP jibe which claims to be the most efficient/speedy combo on the planet (apparently someone wrote some software that will take PHP and convert it direct to Java). Point all being, I dont feel like learning PHP or coming up to speed on Java.

    This aside from the fact we are considering direct Windows Clients for the application. Meaning a 'custom browser' of sorts (built atop MSIE obviously) for client usage and max efficiency in addition to people being able to use MSIE, Nutscape etc.

    Again... If someone could point me to a good ASP.Net beginners text, intermediate and advanced text and perhaps a decent reference book I would appreciate it.
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  6. COM is an old technology and extremely dangerous in a shared environment. Almost every single shared hoster will tell you the same thing. I have personally worked with COM for over 6 years now and know all the dangers that come with it. I say almost because there are some smaller hosting companies that will install anything. We test every component we install to ensure we maintain a high level of stability and uptime.

    You are welcome to switch, but many that have done so send us emails detailing their experience when they come back to us. on the other hand "compiles" in a similar way. But it is compiled into IL (an Interpreter Language) that runs inside a Sandbox, which is just as safe as running classic ASP and just as fast (because of caching on the webserver) or faster than COM.

    If you want speed, research technologies (Microsoft makes claims that they can be as fast as static pages), and they are pretty quick.

    Joel Thoms

  7. Thanks,

    I will investigate. So you do advise I use VS 2005 or the Express Edition(s). I do have Visual Studio.Net Pro though I have generally been using VB / VC++ 6.0 for coding to maintain compatibility of app's back to Win 98. Not uncommon, still alot of folks out there with older PC's and a sizeable global market as such. I will check out those texts you mentioned, perhaps leave a message in the ASP.Net forums for book recomendations.

    I do have a few other questions:

    1. Do you guys do dedicated servers?

    2. Do you do multiple dedicated servers with direct LAN access between servers (ie a connection server, app server, db server)? and where is information listed on pricing, systems, ram etc? Or is it cheaper for say connection server(s) to be shared hosting servers and distributing load in that fashion?

    3. How many connections can your average server hold concurrently?

    Look forward to your response... If you do not wish to respond in a message feel free to email me [email protected]
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