Hello, I' am busy to set up my site, with IIS7 but have one strange problem left over. I been struglin with this for over 24 hours now, so i hope someone has a solution for this. I have always used IIS6 and never came across this problem, so i think its a IIS7 thing. The problem. When i refresh the page, or at the first load of the site, not all the pictures are loaded/showed. But when i click a link or a menu option, the whole sites is showing up with all the pictures... What can be the reason for this? Most of the layout is css, and some pictures (like body background) are loading fine, while others (like the header logo) never shows at refresh. You can see this behaviour at : http://www.wave-y.com/default.aspx I hope someone can show me a direction to solve this.
Very strange, I have attach a screenshot from a few sconds ago. Like you see, iam missing the top banner, the menu (background) images, and the rating stars in the grids. This is happening most of the time when the page loads, and everytime i use the refresh button. I have tested this in IE and firefox, and both have the same effect. After i click on a link or the menu, the images will show up, and the site looks fine. I know that because iam not in the US, but in Europe, it will load a bit slower. But i never have experience that there are images missing from the layout in US sites . (i.e. the discountasp.net main site is also loading fine, without missing images..) ps. I also have regular 503 errors (Service Unavailable) when hitting the refresh button..
For what it's worth, I can't get it to load with any missing images either. Even over a slow proxy it loaded fine...