No multithreading available on DiscountASP! Any alternative approaches?

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by Holf, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. Well, I've just found the Task Manager! It lets you automatically hit a page at regular intervals. It looks as though I will be able to put all my Database / Email logic into a page (or intoobject methodswhich are called by the page) and have it triggered periodically.

    The smallest interval is 15 minutes, which is probably going to be okay for what I need.

    This is an interesting approach to handling this. I'm looking forward to trying it out.
  2. Hi,

    I have a service whereby things expire, and users need to know about this. Ideally I'd get ASP.NET to poll my database every minute to check for expired items, and then send out emails to users.

    This would be a perfect job for multithreading. I could start a secondary thread to handle all database polling and email operations, so the main user UI thread does not getinterrupted by these operations.

    However, I am told by DiscountASP support that multithreading is not supported! This means I cannot do it this way.

    I was wondering if anyone had come across similar issues and had any suggested solutions. How can I get an event to occur on my site every minute or so without having to trigger it myself?

    Any help much appreciated...

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